Rotary Club of Beed Mid Town - Rotary India


Total Services 16
Lumbar,Neck pain treatment camp

Now a days due to various factors the patients of Neck pain Lumbar . . .

Nature Environment

Rotary club of Beed Midtown and prajapati Brahmakumaris Center Beed. . .

Miyawaki Dense Forest at Government Polytechnic

Miyawaki Dense Forest at Government Polytechnic College Beed in coo. . .

Eco-friendly Ganesh murti making workshop

Eco-friendly Ganesh murti making workshop conducted at Saraswati sc. . .

Financial and Environmental RYLA

R.C.Beed Midtown conducted Finicial and Environmental RYLA for the . . .

Finicial and Environmental RYLA atJidnyasa Academy

For the development of students its necessary to gain each and ever. . .

Nach ga Ghuma Cultural Event

Event Nach Ga Ghuma Shravan Sari arranged by our club during Shraw. . .

Finicial and Environmental RYLA

R C.Beed Midtown conducted Finicial and Environmental RYLA for the . . .

Financial & Environmental RYLA

R C.Beed Midtown conducted Finicial and Environmental RYLA for the . . .

Rakshabandhan at District Jail

Rakshabandhan at District Jail for imprisonment persons as social d. . .

Bicycle distribution for school students

District has planned CSR fund from that for each club 5 bicycle wer. . .

Anemia check up camp and dental care camp

As July is the maternal and child health month from the point of vi. . .

Anemia check and dental care camp

As anemia is prevalent in our district we have started initiative f. . .

Anemia check up and dental care camp

Anemia check up and dental care camp taken with the help of Primary. . .

Tree plantation along the road side at jalana Beed

Tree plantation along the road side at jalana Beed.As there was exp. . .

Seed ball distribution and planting the seed

An innovative project for tree plantation we have made seed ball di. . .

Awareness of No Plastic

For awareness of hazards of plastic run campaign of no use of plast. . .

Tree plantation

Tree plantation done on the occasion of installation ceremony no of. . .

Blood donation camp

On the occasion of Doctors day organized blood donation camp at Shi. . .